Tourists are unaware of the cruelty behind elephant rides in Asia. World Animal Protection wants to put this problem on the map, so that the demand decreases and ultimately also the supply.
Media and resources strategy
We create a life-size elephant, printed by five 3D printers at Schiphol. For everyone who promises never to step on an elephant (again), the printers add something. A powerful statement to make the problem extremely visible.
Media and resources strategy
The campaign kicks off on World Elephant Day. Everyone can participate via an action site and the printing process can be followed live. At Schiphol, travelers are guided to the elephant via digital billboards. Through World Animal Protection’s own channels, influencers and social ads, we generate a greater reach for the message and traffic to the site. The campaign stands out: more than expected, many people make the promise, and it is now almost impossible to book an elephant ride through Dutch travel organizations!
Motion Design
Motion & Digital Designer
For a national campaign of the World Animal Protection, we created a 3D print installation with 5 Ultimakers combined with Z-Unlimited add-on. With this installation he was able to print a life size elephant live at Schiphol airport within 2 weeks time. The elephant served as a 3D petition against elephant abuse in the tourist industry: Only when people signed the petition the printers were actively printing the elephant. All 30.000 names of the people that signed the petition are engraved in the 3D printed elephant skin.